Music Theme
Welcome to Themify Music theme demo. This theme includes drag & drop Builder, music player, albums, events, galleries, videos, press, and much more…
Some music albums
[themify_album_posts limit=”6″ image_w=”300″ image_h=”300″ style=”slider” visible=”5″ display=”none”]
Upcoming events, meetups & concerns
[themify_event_posts limit=”3″ style=”list-post” image_w=”200″ image_h=”120″ display=”none”]
[themify_gallery_posts limit=”8″ style=”grid4″ image_w=”300″ image_h=”300″ display=”excerpt” post_meta=”no”]
Enjoy the past event and meet up videos
[themify_video_posts limit=”6″ style=”grid3″ display=”none” image_w=362 image_h=204]
[themify_press_posts limit=”4″ style=”grid2″ post_meta=”no” image_w=”150″ image_h=”200″ display=”excerpt”]
News & updates
Welcome to the iU Blog
The first order of business is to pair down this gigantic WordPress template and modify it everywhere, removing background photos of stock photography models drinking coffee or whatever. Next, I plan to write this or that about the music, and by request, occasionally about the process of creating the music and the videos. This might […]
Two Fretless Basses
In contributing to a tread on, I took this photo of my two fretless basses. Intending to sell the MTB with flat wounds on it. I’ve been absorbing all of Gary Willis’s material since the late 80’s and would say he’s one of my main influences. The GWB has a protected neck and can […]